Monday, November 17, 2008

Random Pics

So this is just random stuff. We went a few weeks ago to the christmas parade at willowbend mall and saw the snowglobes and kids had fun but it was really crowded so we just walked around, we have been busy with school, playdates and all the fun family stuff. Zoe this month was diagnosed with a slight form of autism called PDD - Pervasive Development Disorder, we have a meeting with the school and drs and stuff wednesday to go over what there gonna change in her school program and what we need to do. She is getting alot better then when she was first being tested. The PDD has to do with social and oral skills. But she is working on them and has improved alot since being in school! Enjoy the pics!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh sweetie! I am so happy to hear that school is helping. I have never ever noticed any differences in her at all! Honestly! I'm thinking of her and praying they can find the best help for her.
